well here is the professional website I've been working on for the last few days.
http://mindbodyintuition.com/ it needs a few things. I'm going to add a blog once I decide what blog site to go with, and it needs a few professional photos of me which my mom has promised to take soon, and I need to add my massage resume to it. But it's working for my current needs. Eventually I'll need to add a link to an online scheduling program if I decide to rent space in Cali for a private practice, but it seems easy enough to do that. I wanted to keep the url open enough to allow me to expand it for further use down the road as my practice evolves, hopefully to one day include guidance work and counseling and maybe someday midwifery or nurse practitioner work!
I went with this totally basic template builder from godaddy.com called Web Site Tonight. It's pretty easy to change stuff up. You can change the navigation labels, and the images (I kept the one in the middle of the lady getting a massage but the other two are mine) and you can add text blocks and links really easily. The color scheme is their template but it seemed nice. I would recommend it. it's pretty cheap, the hosting came with the purchase of the URL, and I got the Web Site Tonight product for under $5 a month. not bad! plus I have to say their customer service is stellar.
Certainly this site will function well for what I want it to do, which is provide a web presence to add to my resume once I start looking for jobs in California. :)
EDIT: Blog has been achieved! HOT TIMES. man the internet is easier than ever to use these days. now if we could only copy and paste text on the iPhone then I'd believe it was really the future.