(no subject)

Dec 20, 2003 11:57

I’m back in Berkeley, CA, what I consider to be my second home. I arrived with my cousin yesterday afternoon, a little later than we expected due to the fact that we missed our original flight because we had sat at the wrong terminal gate. I kid you not. My cousin and I arrived at Ontario Airport early, bought some breakfast, and became so deeply engrossed in conversation about the stupidity and immaturity of our exes that neither of us bothered to check the flight destination on the marquee. It wasn’t until fifteen minutes after our REAL flight left that we looked at our boarding passes and said to ourselves “Hm, is that a 40-FIVE or three?” What we had initially thought to be a 405 turned out to be a 403. Damn indistinguishable penmanship!

That was the first of a series of occurrences that indicated my cousin was unwelcome in this part of California. Yes, I put it all on my cousin because I’ve never experienced any difficulties during previous visits.

I saw my favorite homeless guy again. Every single time I come here, he’s standing on a street corner concocting witty sayings and eyeing out his next victim (just random Berkeley street passersby) to use them on. For example:

“Can you spare me some of your parents’ money?” - Said to my sister, a student at Cal.

“Can I be a little more uptight?” - Said to some poor guy minding his own business.

“Would you like to have dinner with me at Chez Panisse?” - Chez Panisse is this highly expensive restaurant, and he asked my sister to join him on Valentine’s Day. What a sweet old man.

“Hi, I’m a student at Cal, and I hate to read.” - This guy spotted me from across the street and stared me in the eye until I passed him. I don’t think he likes Berkeley students very much.

“Ah, I haven’t seen one of those in a long time.” - Said in a really sarcastic tone to some guy talking on his cell phone.

And he said something to my friend’s friend about our world being a candy-coated Nazi Germany that I wish I could recall verbatim.

I’m keeping an eye out for him today.
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