Title: Painful Days and Stormy Nights Chapter 12: Shadows
Pairing: RyoJin, Ohno/Aiba, KimuShingo, Takki/Sakamoto, Sakumiya, Nagase/Koichi and one-sided Miyake/Sakamoto (As for the others I don't know yet... (PiKame or TegoPi? KameUchi? What's with Jun?)
Rating: PG-15
Genre: AU, family, friendship, romance, angst, drama
Disclaimer: I don't own them or anything else JE-related. But the story is mine of course^^
Summary: The boys' fight gets into the second round... But will they be able to fight the guys who bully Maru?
For Miyake it was love at first sight when he met Sakamoto... And it gets even better for him when Hina has some interesting information.
Meanwhile Aiba gets chased by his memories and Nino decides to find the real Sho underneath the host's calm surface.
And Ryo wonders... what are these pictures he suddenly sees in his mind?
Note: Sorry for the lack of RyoJin here - There will be more of them in the next chapter!
Chapter 12 *NEW*
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Chapter 11