Last week of work (and counting every second)

Sep 04, 2006 13:54

I am bored as hell at work and trying desperately to entertain myself
with the very few websites that aren't blocked with our firewall. This
morning I was getting random wikipedia pages for entertainment, but my
hangover didn't allow me to learn much.

I've also spent a lot of time playing games like Colourjunction on my
google homepage (Oh yeah! Google homepage - I love you). I've been
searching for a widget that lets you view your lj friends page. I've
found one for google desktop.. But not for the homepage :(

My great find for the day has been google reader. It's a pretty good rss aggregator.. But
most importantly it's not firewalled. W00t! But sadly, it can't just
import from my bloglines by me giving my details to it. *sigh* When I'm
at home I can export from bloglines and into google reader.. But I'm not
there now, dammit! All this could be made good if only lj friend's pages
had an rss feed. Instead, I'm having to add everyone separately.

OMG - Steve Irwin died about two hours ago (midday) - killed by a
stingray barb in the chest.,22049,20349541-5001021,00.
html My workplace is going nuts over it. And guess what is the weirdest
thing? The wikipedia entry already on stingrays already says "such as
the fatal wound suffered by Steve Irwin"

bored, hangover, games, work, news, 2006

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