Tanya's Quiz

Jul 25, 2006 18:01

Edit: The explanation for why I am doing this poll is here and a follow up rant here. Basically, Tanya is trying to work out what girls actually want versus what guys think girls want. So we would like you to please rate what you think girls want most..

Poll What girls want

Another edit: Heh. Well, I originally chose "Intelligence" as the most important attribute.. and "good earning capacity" as the least. And I said honestly that I was 28 and a girl.

Now it seems I am a 32 year old boy who thinks a "Good sense of humour" is most important and "10 inch penis" is the least important.

So, I shall now have a giggle at Bruce for leaving himself logged in as me when he did the poll. Good thing I have a good sense of humour and he is obviously very intelligent :P

*runs and hides*

tanya, funny, bruce, jasonstanding, poll, 2006, me

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