I know.. let's BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!!

Jan 28, 2007 17:28

So, last night Bruce and I suddenly decided to race down to the beach to see if we could see the comet. No comet anywhere. Bloody awesome sunset though! Tres romantic.

And.. we're sitting on the beach thinking life is great when Bruce goes "Hey, did you turn the stove off?" And I'm like "Hey, didn't you do that? I saw you at the stove!" "No" "No?" "FUCK!"

We get back to find that we have burned to a crisp some chops we were boiling down.. and the house now reeks of burned bones. Oh how gross. That would have to be one of the most revolting scents in the world.


But, at least we didn't quite burn the house down. :)

PS The curry in the crock pot was perfect. Is this a regular thing for me that I burn stuff when making curry?

house, burning, stupid, cooking, me, comet, revolting, fuck, 2007, curry, yuk, love, gross, beach, food, bruce, wtf

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