Weddings, parties and whatnot

Jan 15, 2007 20:31

I had Matt's camera over the weekend so I could take pics at my sister's wedding. The link is a post that has some of the better shots.. or the full photo set is here. My sister was given away by my brother and grandfather in the end.. which was a great solution.

But, anyway, I still had the camera the next day.. So, here's some pics of Bruce with his new house and new car:

Bruce and I woke up after the wedding and hosted an all day bbq for his family at the new place. We saw a lady driving the wrong way around Wellington Square!! Then we hosted another dinner last night back at my place for Osk, Emma, Ed, Michael & Damien. That actually came about because Matt invited everyone and then forgot.. so I decided to play host instead. We have so much salad leftover. Heh.

So, today I am hungover and wasted from four nights of solid partying. But tonight I'm booked for drinks with Tanya and Rachael. I thought the silly season was over! One more night and then I want to just do a whole lot of nothing. Not that that will work. :)

pics, hangover, jayne, rachael, osk, 2007, tanya, dinner, crossposting, emmaskelton, michaelgehling, wedding, drunk, bruce, damien, friends, matt, family, ed

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