Jul 13, 2007 20:28

1. I am quite annoyed that Borders has deemed our midnight release party, "The Grand Hallows Ball". WTF? This is no time to be having a ball! Harry going a-hunting Horcruxes, he's going to face Voldemort, people are going to die! Also, do you know what "hallows" even means? It just sounds like it was obviously dreamed up by someone who's not very familiar with the books.

2. We stopped taking pre-orders on Monday. I am SICK of people bitching at me because they can't pre-order anymore. You've had six months to pre-order, and you waited until the last two weeks to do so. This is so not my problem.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione will live. I just don't see JKR killing off characters that she admittedly based on childhood friends and herself. She's invested too much in them, and Ron and Hermione are too close to Harry. He's lost nearly everyone else; he needs them.

Harry is not a Horcrux.

A Weasley will die. My money is on Percy or Ginny, though I think killing off Ginny might be unnecessarily cruel.

Snape will die doing something heroic. Harry will never, ever, trust Snape unless his does something big. I also don't see what he has to live for. The only person who ever trusted him is gone, he certainly won't be welcome back at Hogwarts, his home for most of his adult life, I doubt anyone else will give him a job... he'd be a true outcast.

Harry will go back to Hogwarts, though possibly not as a student. I think there's a Horcrux hidden there. Hogwarts was too important to Voldemort not to hide a Horcrux there, and it's too important in the scheme of the series not to go back.

Neville will do something to avenge his parents' fate, but not by killing Bellatrix. I don't want to see Neville become a murderer, though I suppose it would be fitting if he killed her in self-defense.

I'd like to see a confrontation between Ginny and Voldemort. I wonder if there's still some sort of connection there, and I think that would be quite interesting to play out, especially since most people seem to have forgotten about what happened way back in CoS.

Harry will travel beyond the veil, and will probably encounter the "deathly hallows" there.

We will learn more about what goes on in the DoM. The (locked) love room will be key. (And hopefully we learn lots more about the other rooms, because I'm dying to know about those brains! XD)

4. Anyone who spoils me WILL DIE. I'm not worried about anyone in my store breaking into the boxes early and spoiling me, because nobody I work with is that stupid (even though the non-fans have teased me about it). I'm more worried about customers, and now that customers will listen to the online streaming of JKR's reading, then talk about it when they come in to buy their books. I'M SO SCARED. >.> Moreso than if I were just showing up to a party, since I'll be a captive audience and can't wear earplugs or anything.
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