I've Discovered
- Being in a relationship means giving up all your inalienable rights to the other person. (this includes thoughts)
- You try to help another person, and only get hurt....this works in all of society, not just relationships....you always get screwed someway or another.
- Being happy is temporary.
- Being depressed is temporary.
- Humans are far too emotional for their own good.
- Reel Big Fish is good music to lighten you up....not make you not depressed...it just curves the pain.
- People think way too much.
- People think I mean harm way too much
- People think way too much. (added twice to stress importance)
- Psyco-sematic sounds like a real word....and very well may be, but I don't really know.
- Melody would be funny, if I were in a good mood.
- Crying is not a sissy thing to do for guys....it's just embarassing in public...it shows too much weakness....but sometimes it'll get you chicks.
- the little drops next to someone's screen name are absolutely meaningless.
- DSL sucks...cus people are online, but aren't there....how stupid.
- Online journals are tedious.
- Online Journals are taken too seriously....half of the world would be upset at the other half for shit that's thought but not mentioned...and online journals give people a place to talk about the shit they think but don't say...thus pissing people off.
- I have no friends....i have a girlfriend, but no friends.
- Max is creapy.
- I could very well end up being a complete failure at life.
- I could very well end up not being a complete failure at life.
- No one can be trusted................EVER.
- Cleaning is stupid...you're just going to make another mess.
- Boobs are not every man's center of attention..............................................................................................................................................Sometimes it's their ass.
- You Don't Know and Fuck You are the same thing.
- I hate Mr. Kalas.
- A group of rappers can sell a cd with 3 versions of the same song on it, and still make millions of dollars selling millions of records.
- Nothing's ever good enough....................................EVER.
- Weighing your options makes you sad when they suck.
- A equals B, but B does not neccesarily equal the rate of intersest on a Monkey servent for the disabled.
- I need to stop.
Well.....i feel accomplished for the evening...I'm home alone and getting depressed. Oh well....lets go play poker and give porn sites (gross ones like Beastiality) E-mail addresses of people i don't like. Peace Yo!