Despicable Misha - Art Master Post

Oct 12, 2012 17:58

Despicable Misha - Art Master Post

Welcome to the art post for Despicable Misha, a great fic written for the 2012 deancasbigbang by namichan89. If you want to enjoy the fic, you can do it HERE.

- A big THANK YOU to namichan89 for all the fun we had during these two months. I love how enthusiastic and fun you were!! (and guess what, we are doing it again because namichan89 is one of my two RBB authors! She's has already written 9200 words!!

- Don't forget that the art below is spoilery for the fic so read the fic first!! Otherwise, no warning. For once, the art is cute, no blood, no gore, no character death.



1) Poster Art
2) Hello Neighbor!
3) Jenseeeeeeeen!!
4) AWwwWwWwW!
5) To the Moon!!
6) He made it!!
7) Glad to see you back, Misha
8) Together at last (color draft for the above art, Glad to see you back Misha)
Bonus) For the fun: Misha's Mother. (She doesn't appear in the fic AT ALL but as it's a Despicable Me!AU and that Gru's Mother was an important character in the movie, I couldn't resist to draw what Mish's mother would look like)

Banners, dividers, end title, etc...

Title Banner


End Banner


Art Master Post Banner

Fic Master Post Banner

Community Banner



How many minions?

A lot. If I didn't make any mistake, I drew 35 minions. It's far more than what I expected.

Tools of the trade

- Photoshop CS4
- Painter 12
- Photography
- Font: Keep on Truckin'

You said you used photography in your work in the "Tool of the trade" section, how did you do it?

I used photographies for some elements of the background for He made it!!, the picture where Jared and Jensen are together. I didn't want to do the line-arting of the buildings so I used a mix between this Photoshop action and the Find Edges filter in Photoshop (Filters >> Stylize >> Find Edges). It's like creating your very own screentones from a photo. It saves times even if I am not a very big fan because the quality depends a lot on the original photo.

Is it me or I saw characters from your previous RBB in this DCBB drawing?

Huh..yes..Maybe..*cough*. It's a thing I do quite often in my art: I hide stuff that have nothing to do there. It's called an Easter Egg. The thing I prefer hiding are the Del Montes, very cute creatures created by dragonspell and I for the 2010 spn_reversebang. They look like green peas with eyes, mouths and arms. They became my trademark and they appear sometimes in my art like for example the Poster Art for my 2012 spn_j2_bigbang, where you can see a tiny tiny Del Monte hidden under Jared bed sheet, at the bottom right of the picture.

I hid some of them in this DCBB (my author loved the principle
). Will you be able to find them in the following artworks? (it's very obvious for some of them, far less for at least 2)

- Hello Neighbor!
- Jenseeeeeeeen!!
- AWwwWwWwW!
- He made it!!

You can find the answers HERE.

I hope you enjoyed the art and the fic!

castiel, dean/castiel, misha collins, jensen ackles, dcbb, dean winchester

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