Title: Parallel Lines Crossing
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R
Word Count: 1366
Summary: Tommy is gone, but there's still damage control to be done. (Tag for "To the Last Man" - so - SPOILERS)
Author's Notes: Takes place in the same universe as
Post Torchwood Stress Disorder, as that is my personal canon for Ianto until otherwise Jossed. (RTD'd?)
Parallel Lines Crossing )
Comments 78
He doesn't flat out say "I love you", but there is a very strong implication. :)
jack really almost said he loved ianto in that scene, didn't he? i was squeeing my heart out, lol. & this is a perfect tag... of course it would be nice to read how the rest of the evening goes *wink*
I: Don't you get lonely?
J: Going home wouldn't fix that. Being here I've seen things I never would have seen. Loved people I never would have met if I'd ... just stayed where I was. (looks at Ianto) And I wouldn't change that for the world.
Glad you liked the story. :)
great story!
Funny thing about that line. At first, that's what I thought I heard too.
As it happens, I always watch BBC with the subtitles turned on and Ianto's line is subtitled as:
Ianto: I....know you get lonely.
A minor difference, but still a potential different light on Ianto and how much he 'leads' Jack in this scene.
Anyway, my real reason to comment is to say how much I loved this fic and the parallels your drew with Tosh/Tommy/Ianto <3
A nice quiet moment that says so much.
And this piece was love. I liked that you addressed the PTSD implication that was brought up in this episode. And the sweetness at the end just had me going "awwww." Thanks for sharing!
Jack and Ianto have been SO adorable this season. But yeah, Like my OMG opus other story went into, Ianto has massive PTSD issues that haven't been touched on yet. They better do that soon. :) So glad you liked it.
And yes, I'm hoping they deal with the PTSD in an episode as well. They've certainly been alluding to it more than they have in previous episodes.
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