Title: Play Forgiveness
Author: museattack (
chosenfire28Beta: Eccentrically_Peculiar
Word Count: 10k
Rating: Teen
Pairing/Genre: Clark/Lex, Futurefic AU
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes/Warning/Disclaimer/ Spoilers: I own nothing. I also haven't written or watched Smallville in about eight years, so it's very likely there will still be remaining canon errors, even though my beta was a doll and tried to fix as much as she could. Remaining errors are mine, and I ask that you graciously overlook them! It was incredible to write my old OTP again. Thank you to the mod for organizing this event.
Summary: The call comes in when Clark is drunk on sleep and his face is buried deep in the pillow. "The President requires your assistance."
Link to fic:
Available on AO3Link to art: To be posted