Author Sign Up Post and Rules!!

May 27, 2013 14:31

Rules for Authors

1. Final drafts must be at least 10K, and submitted to my email,, by the end of October 20th.  I can take a number of formats - doc, docx, pages, or rtf. If you’re a couple of hundred words shy of 10k we will talk but please plan for all fics to be at least 10k.
2. Stories for the big bang must be new work. If a snippet has been posted, the entry must be locked until the unveiling.
3. Rough drafts must be at least 7,000 words by September 2nd, and submitted to by the end of the day in any number of formats (see rule #1).
4. All work must be beta’d upon final submission. You wrote it or made it, let your work look its best. Writers can use their regular beta. Just try to keep the fic under wraps until the final posting period.
5. If characters are engaged in NC-17 activities, then it needs to be stated that the characters are at least 16 in the header.
6. All genres and pairings (or moresomes) welcome. ( Het, Slash, Femslash, and Gen are all acceptable.) Genres: Aus, futurefic, pre-series…Run wild!
7. Big Bang entries can be crossovers as long as they have at least one Smallville character at the heart of the story. Ex: Chloe/Dean, SV!Clark/Bruce, Lex and the Legion of Doom, SV/SPN, etc.
8. Triggering and Squicky Subject Matter:
a. Triggering subject matter-- such as non-con, dub-con, abuse, violence, self-harm, and incest-- must be identified in the header in the Warnings section. If there are no warnings, write NONE.
b. Otherwise squicky subject matter such as character death, tentacles, and mpreg should be identified as well in Author’s Notes or the Summary.
c. If you think for a second someone might be trigger by what you’ve written then please put a warning. It’s better to warn and not trigger anyone then to not warn and trigger someone.
9. Collaborations are fine! The word count minimum increases to 15,000, so make sure you remember that.
10. PM a mod if you’re dropping out of the challenge. There’s no penalty for withdrawing,if you do so on or before the date first drafts are due. Unless you contact me with the reason, and your artist, dropping out after an artist claims means you will be banned from participating in the challenge for one year.
11. During the final posting period, please post to your journal and link to the master list on the comm. You only need to make ONE post. The standard header to be used is here:
Word Count
Author’s Notes/Warning/Disclaimer/ Spoilers
Link to story
Link to art

12. Artists and writers should interact after the art selection dates. Authors should send a copy of their draft to their artist ASAP. If authors can’t contact their artists they should let me know ASAP or if an artist can’t contact their author.
13. Please join the support comm. svbigbang_help and leave any suggestions as to what you might like to have take place there. Would you like times to share some of your writing or to spend some time writing together? Let me know so I can start to schedule events.
14. Have Fun!

Authors sign up with the following form:

I’ve read and understand the rules Y/N
LJ Name:
Gen, het, slash, femslash
Pairing (if any):
Genre (if known):
Crossover (y/n):
Anything else:
I’ve am excited for this year’s big bang Y/N
I’m going to join the support comm. Y/N

2013, author sign ups, sign-ups

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