Hey everyone!
We hope all the writers are closing in on the 10k mark or have surpassed it as we're closing in on the first draft due date. Once first drafts are submitted, the mods will begin distributing beta contact information. Before we do so, we'd like to make sure that we've noted any changes to the writers' beta status.
If you've found a beta or still need one, please comment on this post.
Betas are in short supply and have a VERY high demand. If you're willing to beta,
comment here. Please update us by Friday, June 19th. We'd like to give betas as much time as possible to thoroughly critique and correct the fics.
Beta Distribution Rules
1. All participants without a beta by June 19 need to reply to the updated beta post on the comm.
Comment here for those willing to beta.
2. All participants without a beta will be paired with an appropriate available beta. Plain speak: We match you up, but you all have to make it work or find someone else.
3. Writers and betas: Please email and communicate discretely. Come up with a schedule so that neither writer nor beta is rushed as we close in on the final submission day.
4. Be respectful of the writer’s work and the beta’s comments.
5. All final fics must be beta’d before final submission on August 1.