Fic Title: Dammit, Fraser! This Wasn't in the Handout...
Author name: nightshadow_t2
Artist name: danceswithgary
Genre: Crossover, AU
Pairing and/or characters: Lex/Clark; Benton/RayK
Rating: NC-17 for safety
Word count: Not posted
Warnings: Unknown
Summary: Smallville/Due South Crossover. You know, Conventions are supposed to be boring, mind-numbing events where you scoff at stupidity and play hang-man while they teach you something you figured out years ago. They're not supposed to involve finding a Baby Guide protecting his drugged Sentinel from a speeding car and seeing said speeding car crumple because Baby Guide stopped it with his hands. This was so not in the manual. Any of them.
Link to fic: Not posted
Link to art:
Link to artwork