Schedule and Rules for Writers and Artists

May 22, 2011 22:46


Author Sign-ups: May 24 to June 28
First draft (8000 words & summary of story): September 20
Artist claiming:  September 22, until all stories are claimed
Completed work due: October 18 
Posting: Starts October 20 - There will be an assigned, staggered posting schedule - with the goal of posting two to three stories a week for as long as ( Read more... )


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Comments 29

ciaan May 23 2011, 13:56:00 UTC
Question about Rule 5: What about rapidly-aged clones who are physically/mentally/developmentally older than 16 but were only created a few weeks ago?

and some things that look like typos...

b. Otherwise squicky subject matter such as character death, tentacles, and mpreg should be identified as well in Author’s Notes or the Summary Writers can use their regular beta. Just try to keep the fic under wraps until the final posting period.

16. Artists and writers should interact after the art selection dates. Authors should send their c.

Rules for Betas
1. Sign-up period is May 27th - Just 17th


twinsarein May 23 2011, 16:05:40 UTC
Thanks for the typo catches. It got to be much later in the evening than I wanted while doing these. As to Rule 5, go for it. It sounds like something I'll look forward to reading.


ciaan May 24 2011, 15:07:36 UTC
Okay, it's my Kon fixation, I had to ask about clones.


bradygirl_12 May 24 2011, 22:48:29 UTC
Sorry, first-time newbie on Big Bangs here. :)

I see the first draft and final submission dates, but who do we send it to?


twinsarein May 25 2011, 13:00:30 UTC
Your first? That is so cool!! World's Finest should definitely do one - at least a mini one. Think I'd get any takers over there if I organized one in a month or two? Or, maybe it would be pretentious of me to plan another one on top of this... Especially since I'm only on the fringes of the fandom. Probably, I just think it would be cool to have one.

Hmm, I hadn't realized the email wasn't listed on these rules I copied and pasted from last year's challenge. I know I've seen it *toddles off to look* Ah, it's in the profile section. It would be a good idea to include here, however, so thanks for bringing it up. I'll go add it now.


bradygirl_12 May 25 2011, 14:36:53 UTC
I would definitely ask about hosting a Big Bang if the mods are cool with it. Couldn't hurt! ;)

Thanks for the info.

Oh, so this address if for both rough draft and final submission?


twinsarein May 25 2011, 17:03:08 UTC
Yup, the address came with the comm.

You're more up on the challenges through the year featuring the handsome hunks in your icon, is there a time of year that would be better for a Big Bang - that it wouldn't interfere with other, established challenges? If I started a mini-Big Bang (minimum word count of 7500, perhaps) in July, and posting started in late October, for example, would that work? I know something big is done for Christmas, so I don't want to get mixed up in that.


dragon_lord May 29 2011, 18:42:50 UTC
If we have a writing journal, should we sign up with that journal, or can we post to that journal and link to a master post on the comm?


twinsarein May 30 2011, 03:48:49 UTC
You sign up with whatever journal you're most comfortable with. When it comes time to post, you post the story to your journal, in however many parts are necessary, then make a master post, and link to that at this comm. Does that make sense?


dragon_lord May 30 2011, 10:05:15 UTC


luminare91 May 29 2011, 19:51:54 UTC
I'm a new writer for this challenge, and I have a few questions. The fic can be anything as long as it's smallville and the correct length, right? The rough draft has to be sent to the e-mail address, does the final draft need to be as well? Or does it just need to be posted to my journal and linked back to the master list on the comm?


twinsarein May 30 2011, 03:55:57 UTC
Good questions. Anything you want, as long as it features one of the Smallville characters, and at least 10K. The rough draft definitely has to be sent to the email address. I'd like the final drafts sent to me as well, so I can determine the posting schedule. It will need to be posted to your journal on your assigned date, and then linked back to the comm.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you liked, but I hope I answered these to your satisfaction.


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