Mar 27, 2010 13:32


What is allowed?

Gen, Het, and Slash are all welcome. This challenge is pretty open. The only restrictions are on extreme kinks-you can guess what those are using your imagination. Just in case: non-con and mpreg are fine.

How many entries can you submit?

You can submit as many entries as you can get beta’d and finished by the final deadline.
Will we be reminded of important dates?

Yes, we’ll keep a hanging post of all important dates and we’ll remind all participants of sign-up/submission dates a week in advance.

How do I locate a beta?

Beta sign-up is April 25-May16. We ask if you already have a steady beta to continue working with them or indicate that you can find your own during sign-ups. Everyone else will be matched with betas that have complimentary interests.

I’m thinking about quitting: who do I talk to?

If you’re thinking about quitting, talk to a mod first. Hopefully, we can persuade you to stay. If however, you do decide to quit the challenge, there is no penalty.

This year we will have frequent check-ins ensure that everyone is still on track. Also, check outsv_sparks   for tips, inspiration and a place to vent.

Can I collaborate with someone?

Collaborations are welcome. The minimum word count does increase to 30,000 words.

How do I post?

When the drafts are due in June, please send the drafts to smallvillebigbang@gmail.com.

During final posting, post to the community with a link to your journal. All entries need the following header:
Word Count
Author’s Notes/Warning/Disclaimer/ Spoilers

So I can use any pairing I want, right?
 Yes, as long as you use the proper warnings if the pairing is extremely non-conventional (i.e. Lex/Lionel).
Can I use an original character?
You can, but the original character must interact with Smallville character(s). If you want to have a Smallville character/Original character pairing, that is fine.
What about minor characters? Can I write a story just with minor characters?
Sure, whatever floats your boat.
Is there a grace period for the draft due date?
Unfortunately, there isn't. We would like all writers to have as much time as needed to finish stories and have them betaed.

How can I track my word count?
Here are some resources or word charts that will help you to see your progress.

Check out:



2010, faq

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