Title: The Eye, The Star and the Portal
smalltrolven Artist:
kirathehyrulian Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 10,768
Warnings: M-preg and a bit of gore.
Author’s Note: Not my characters, only my words. Set after episode 13.17 “The Thing”. Written for the 2020
spneldritchbang Thank you to
kirathehyrulian for the truly fabulous art, nobody does Dean or tentacles like you!
Summary: The aftermath of Dean’s near-miss at being possessed by Glythur to become Yokoth’s mate turns into something neither brother had ever imagined possible. The legacies from the Men of Letters’ Rhode Island chapter house, Marco and Ophelia, are called upon to clean up the mess that their great-grandfather left behind.
Check out the art masterpost here
on LJ or on
tumblrRead it over
on AO3 right here. ~()0O0()~
Part 1~()0O0()~
Part 2 ~()0O0()~
Part 3 ~()0O0()~