Mar 05, 2009 22:49

Okay, I've really haven't updated because I've been using Twitter and other websites more+nothing really interesting has been happening irl so poot poot poot.

But other than that, I just saw Lakeview Terrace with my parents just now and I liked it.


and the ending made me happy. for some odd reason, I was waiting for the lady to miscarriage because EVERY MOVIE I'VE WATCHED WITH A PREGNANT LADY GETS A MISCARRIAGE AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY. ):

1. Start Time - 10:58PM
2. Name - DeAngela
3. Astrology sign - Capicorn
4. Gender - Vagina
5. Eye color - Brown I guess.
6. Favorite color - gold/yellow, red, white, dummmmmmm. Any colour except really dark colours half the time I guess.
7. Glasses - Yes. I feel like the protoganist.
8. Tattoos - Ew.
9. Birthday - 12/23/1995
11. Sibling's name(s) - I DON'T HAVE ANY STOP HURTING ME ;___;

12. Cut your own hair? Many times.
13. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? I think...
14. Skipped school? Yeah, but I dislike when I do that.
15. Bungee-jumped? STOP SCARING ME.
16. Punched someone? Yes.
17. Cheated on a test? ...yes.
18. Been arrested? No.
19. Broken into someone's house? No.
20. Been rejected? not sure/idk.
21. Been to a funeral? STOP HURTING ME AGAIN--Yes.
22. Used a lighter? They are so difficult, no.
23. Been on stage? I guess.

24. Season - Spring.
25. Food - the entire fruit and vegetable chain.
26. Ice cream flavor - Napoleon or Rainbow Sherbert.
27. Candy - I don't eat candy, I'm a hardass.
28. Breakfast - Frosted Mini Wheats or French Toast.
29. Person - y do u make me chuus
30. Book - Science.
31. Song - Right now, I'm torn between Jetsetter by Morning Wood and 20 other songs of my crap taste, but--

image Click to view

fhlasjdflasdjfjasdfnasdmgf sagbjveafl.
fuck i'm kool

32. River - What type of question is this.
33. Place - New Mexico or California. Or a place with good weather in general.
34. Sport to watch on TV - idk idk BASEBALL OR FOOTBALL I GUESS. I watch them when I'm on the computer and my dad's watching tv.

I can't answer this question.

35. Disney movie - OLIVER AND COMPANY HOLY SHIT. ;_; And basically every good disney movie.
36. Disney princess - POCAHONTAS IS MY WAIFU
37. Name for a son - Olban
38. Name for a daughter - Gail

39. Chocolate or vanilla? VANILLA
40. Coffee or Cappuccino? This question confuses me; I learned something new today too.
41. Long relationships or one-night stands? Long-term
42. Dogs or cats? Cats
43. Scary movies or comedies? Eh, GOOD COMEDY I guess.

Or wait, you could disregard that because I don't really like comedy or scary movies (unless the scary one's are actually GOOD and ORIGINAL.)
44. Short or long hair on the opposite sex? idk, BUT I THINK NICE CUTE SHORT HAIR IS OKAY.
45. Croutons or bacon bits? Crouuuutonnnsss
46. Sitcoms or dramas? In between I guess.

I blame my mother.

47. CDs or radio? CDS
48. Friday or Saturday? Friday

52. Talked on the phone? Nah~
53. Watched a movie? Yup.
54. Cried? No
55. Smoked? NO.
56. Drank a glass of water? Yes~
57. Used drugs? Nope.
58. Read a book or magazine? Yup.
59. Watched TV? Noooooo.
60. Looked in the mirror? Yes.

61. Taken a shower? ....no.
62. Taken a picture? No.
63. Listened to music? Yes.
64. Told someone you love them? I feel horrible for saying no.
65. End Time -- 11:32P.M.

I gave up on using the bolds and stuff I feel hot.

p.s. changed my layout it like it I guess.(?)
Also, I'M LOSING WEIGHT ON THE WII I love doing boxing God I feel like Akihiko, but lame..

go to bed, memes, you are boring

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