Jul 17, 2004 14:12
I need yalls opinion. I was over at a friend's house the other night to hang out and watch a movie. I hadn't seen him the whole summer because he was always with his girlfriend, so I really missed him. Then I find out that his girlfriend is "not comfortable with me being there" even though he told her that I'm like his sister. So he makes me leave. Am I justififed in being upset? Yes I know that he needs to respect her wishes and all that. But the message he's sending is that she's more important than me and MY wishes, and that if our wants ever come in conflict he will always choose hers over mine. Obviously their relationship IS very important and I completely respect that. But all I know is that if that had happened to me, and it has, I would have dealt with it differently. Girlfriends/boyfriends come and go, but some friends are there for a lifetime. And the fact that he can't understand why I'm so upset just makes me even MORE upset. So tell me, am I letting my hurt over what he did rule instead of my logic? Am I overreacting? COMMENTS, COMMENTS PLEASE!!
Love yall......