Jun 23, 2009 11:40
I have a busy day today so this is going to be short....lots of errands to run.
Yesterday was my first day of summer school and it was great. I took the Sounder to Seattle and then took a bus from the International District bus tunnel to the U-District. I was mentioning to my sister last night that for my first full day of riding mass transit in a long time it's wasn't bad. I was only hit on once at the Auburn train station and only had one super creepy "homeless" moment while waiting for the bus in the U-District. I don't know if he was in fact homeless because he did have a bus pass, he was carrying clothes in a plastic bag (which usually means homeless), but he didn't smell like the homeless in Seattle usually smell. It was creepy because I was holding my Ipod in one hand, then my cell phone and a container of food in my other hand...so when he walked in front of me at the bus stop he was HEAVILY eying my hands. So I wasn't sure if he wanted my food or my cell/Ipod...but other people were standing around there as well watching him so I wasn't nervous...but it was creepy.
I was able to buy a used book for my class from the book store which was good because it was only $140 instead of being $200 for the new copies. There are only 16 people in the class so I wasn't worried about the bookstore running out of books. I also went down to the IMA and bought my summer pass. Swimming will start tomorrow and I know I'm out of shape so we will see how long I last in the pool.
My class was great yesterday and my prof is hilarious. And as I gathered from her many questions yesterday she is very susceptible to word of mouth. I guess her class last quarter kept raving about Gossip Girl so she watched an episode and she was like "it's the worst show ever! Nothing ever happens on that show". It was very funny. It's going to be a full quarter but the breakdown is very fair. 30% midterm, 30% final, 30% project, 10% homework so I need to make sure I get full credit on homework in case the midterm and final are really hard.
Peace Outside-