tons to tell

Mar 02, 2004 12:59

... to start, sorry about the fuck ups in typing, im pretty tired and dot feellike fixing them... ( it'll probably happen a lot) so i bet i have a lot to tell, so people can get an idea of who i am, ive got such a past though, i dont even know what all i feel like telling, let alone if i want to type it all.. anywho, i suppose i'll start telling you that i am a freshman at cmu, but i dont think i am coming back next year, i want to go into nursing, and i found a college by where my boyfriend, adam, is going next year (he isnt coming to central next year for sure)... anywho, i just really enjoyed working in the hospital when i was in h.s. and i want to make a career out of it, so i plan to go to this other college, and get my registered nurse certification.. then i can have medical insurance (definatly need that with being diabetic.. along with all my other medical difficulties.. i'll go into more detail later).. anywho, bottom line, i have wanted to be in the medical field since i was 5 years old, and now i decided it was definatly time for me to do it. i should of gotten my certification when i took the classes my junior year, since i had everything i needed to be a nurses aid, but there was communication dysfunction and i didnt know i could of gotten it before i was 18, till the week my time expired, and i didnt have time to set it all up and study and deal with the rest of life. so yeah, here i am back on the track to enjoying what i am doing with my life. now dont take me wrong, its not that i dislike my life, its not that, i just dont feel like i am doing the best i can .. like im not being all that i can be. so anyways, thats my plan for college, now onto the boyfriend topic, adam.. adam and i have been together since september 5th 2003. .. since right after my accident (septmber 1st).. i'll ellaborate in a few... about adam though, adam is wonderful to me, the only thing we have problems with is if sometimes the both of us get crabby and we bicker ( nothing big though) and we bicker about his playing video games ( mostly on the computer)... other than that, we dont have problems.. we have had a couple big arguments, but they've always been about other people, because for a while, adams cousin jason had a problem with me and was very much in the relationship.. enough about that though, ... i love adam very much, and his family too.. his mom is awesome, i can talk to her about anything, and his dad is cool too. and his brother corey. and his sister brandy is cool too. i feel very much me when i am with them, .. dare i say, more comfortable with them than my own family... anywho, i love his family, thats really the moral of it all.. and so on, well, about my accident, september 1st i was heading back up to school from going to mackinac with my family for the weekend and i was driving my lil saturn and i was on a semi busy road, ( i dont remember this, just the town 3 miles before the stop), ... well, i stopped at the corner of the road i was on and a highway, and a ford f350 extended cab truck pulling a trailer came downhill speeding at 65, and t-bones me, hitting me right behind my drivers seat (i was the only one in the car), well.. to make it short, i was the only one hurt, expect the guy sprained his wrist.. well, i ended up with 7 broken ribs ( which are now deteriorating), a broken index finger, a shattered wrist, a partially collepsed lung, and a ton of glass in my face.... about half of my cheek on the left side of my face is now covered with scars... (and the asshole with the sprained wrist is suing me for his poor wrist!!!!) ... well, anywho, in high school i was a bitch, also heard i was a cock tease.. although i dont really feel like elaborating on much of highschool, basically, in middle school i had an almost 2 year long relationship, feel in love, then he became a druggie lazy looser ( who still has my classring.. what can i say, when you love someone you tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, so yes, i dated him two other times for 9 months, and another time for 8 ( in hs)).. well, i also dated another guy,bryan, off and on for my 8th grade to 10th, in between was eric, spend equal time with each of them... crazy stuff.. i also dated this asshole mark my junior year.. for a year and 3 months, breoke up with him after he controlled me so much he said when i could and couldnt pee, and after he ass raped me twice... bad experience... after he stalked me for 7 months i turned 18 and put a restraining order on him after he threatened to kill me... it expired in october... and he still follows me around town when he sees that i am at home... i tend to not leave home much due to it.. not for my protection, because i dont want him tattling to the coppers after i break his nose. ... which i will do as soon as he talks to me... anywho, ... i also humiliated the shit out of another ex in front of the entire school when i bitched smacked him a dozen times.. it was great, he was talking shit after we broke up and i warned the principle that if he didnt take care of it by the next time i saw the guy i was gunna deal with it myself... so when i saw him at lunch he was talking to the army recruiters, so i walked up to him, grabbed him by his shirt right under his neck, slammed him into the pop machines, and bitch smacked him a ton, giving him reasons for most all of the hits... ... the whole cafeteria though he was gunna hit me and everyone was ready to jump in and beat his ass. it was a great feeling... i was suppost to be kicked out but i only got a day in in-school suspension (ISS) ugh lets see, i dont have a best friend anymore, other than adam, but i am dating adam, so outside of that, i dont have one because my bestfriend from hometown told the insane stalker ex where i was living on campus and my phone number, lied to me telling me it was another girl, only for me to find out it was really here.. so yeah, no best friend for me. oh well, ... ... hmm..summer is coming and im sooo excited. i've gone to a summer camp for like 8 years and i worked there last summer and now im gunna work there this summber too. last sumemr i only worked for 3 weeks, this summer im working the whole summer. im excited. its only an hour form adams house, so since hes working out at his base, .. hes in the national guard.. air force.... . well, we'll both have weekends off so we'll get together then.. yeah!... of course, sometimes hes gunan have to come with a group of us to ohio again, or maybe canada.. last summer we went to ohio to drink. it was great. we popped up our tents in the middle of a huge thunderstorm, had some drinks, got a fire going (i was plastered by then), and right after someone asked where i was sleeping .. when i was pointing at my tent it blew away, about...oh... 20 feet into the air and 30 feet away, it was sooo helarious.. well, then some people left cause they were scared of the lightening, and the rest of us slept in our cars... i was in a car with my friends kyle and stephen.. who both liked me..stephen, i took his verginity the summer before, and we had already gotten together, and kyle, kyle i had met the summer before, but didnt get to know him till then, .... it was great, i was so drunk i couldnt hold my own cup, so he was pouring the beam down my throat for me. good times good times. ... i dont know, im just excited fr it all. i miss partying grated im in college, i havent partyed. i went looking for parties the first week of school, and i had a bad experience. 1 guy trying to take my upstairs at one house, then i went to the next one, and 7 guys shoved me into a bathroom and tried to gang bang me. they stole my bra, and caught my shirt on fire after ripping them off of me, i tried getting out of there, but they just kept throwing me into the shower .. so my spine was swoolen around my neck area for 3 weeks.. they threw me so hard a couple times i hit my neck against the sink... anywho, after a while i got out into the living room area and was trying to get my shit around, because they had gotten into my purse and it was all spread around, and they thought it was a good idea to rip my pants off and try to shove a screw driver and a beer bottle up me, but of course that didnt fly well with me, granted it flew very well at some guys head when i threw it.. and when they tried to force my head down on this other guy they took pictures, (3 of em had cameras) .. so i threatened to bite his fucking cock off.. and then on of them drove me home... weird.. and then he followed me to my room and tried to go wake my roommate up.. crazy shit. .. therefor, i havent partied.. kinda sucks. i tried to last weekend, but it all was a stupid mistake.... some of us tried going to a friends cottege to party, but there was no heat, and the car got stuck and it was just all wrong, instead of partying we just went to bed and shivvered under 7 thick blankets, so anywho, im done for now..i still have a lot to say for people to understand who i am, but i guess in time those who continuously read my entries will learn who i really am, .. so, .. off i am .. to do who knows what. probalby sleep, ..lovie bugs! me
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