(no subject)

Aug 16, 2003 00:54

Ok, now begins the post of what happened today. The important parts started 2:50pm, as I had Lit off and went to julians house. I got there and his brother needed reinforcements in NS, but by the time i had gotten changed, he had tactfully changed teams. After doing a quick check at the transperth site in regards to bus times i began a bout of ET. The map was oasis, on a 40 player server, at the cost of some cap. I went axis. BIG MISTAKE. The only thing i ever saw before i died was the blue cloud of smoke, followed by a short period of recognition and then BOOM orbit. This was very annoying and it took me ages to overcome this obstacle. Then it moved onto seawall battery and i was kicking ass as axis. Then Scott, Elliot and Henry came through the door so i stopped, playing, emptied out my bag and we went to leave when julian passed us and said he wasnt coming because the timing was bad. We then left to begin our adventure into the city with the objectives of getting me cds and having some fun / something to do.

We caught the 878 or 9 or something to the city as we were advised of its existance by lucy and holly, and despite our cheaterous ways the bus driver made ME put my multirder in twice while others I believe got away with it, or jsut payed full price despite their intentions. We then get to the city, and instead of getting off at wellington street or whatever (read. BUSPORT) we went to some train station under Henry's advice. We got off and bought stuff at the newsagents. Then we began walking to JB Hifi's, and saw scotts dad getting off the train, who gave him money. What a coincidence. Keep in mind that we were at all times throughout this segment engulfed in a most horrible of smells. We made our way to JB's with little else of note, other than getting a better idea of what guiness was, and determining that city types suck. We then found JB's pretty quickly, and entered the abyss. I was amazed by a number of things, namely how big the store is, and how much of it was devoted to DVDs. When i first heard of it, this is what i would have expected. But it had been drummed up to be a 'cd' shop from what i gathered and i was shocked. Anyway, with crappy... and i mean AWFUL background, music we made our way through JB's. First, I went to the Heavy Metal or whatever section it was that i knew would have the goods, though much to my dismay I saw a linkin park cd in there. Got Lateralus, had a fish around for Aenima Limited Edition, but to no avail. They had the normal version but that wouldnt cut the mustard. Henry and I both got a decent 32 cd wallet for $4.50 each discounted from 15 which was pretty awesome, and we then set about making our purchaces, as henry also had a 10 pack of Vinyl looking cds which it said were to be used for rap (i wont tell ;) ). Now my plans for a commonsensical evening hit a snag at this point. I told the lady i would like to buy this cd and order some so she said ok and got her file. I told her i wanted a tool aenima special edition and she was like oh u cant get that anymore, and i politely told her that JB had said they could on the phone they could, and she was like no you cant get it, the dvd right. I said no not the dvd, and she was like no you cant get the dvd. There was a hateful stare originating from me and then she was like [looking at lateralus cd] oh sorry, you meant aenima, cd and special edition. Yes, correct. Then i asked, backed again by previous JB contact, wether or not she could hook me up with a preorder of A Perfect Circle's new album 'Thirteenth Step' scheduled for 16/9. She came back saying no, dont know wtf it is and im like i was told i could order it and she's like ROLF. Moving along. THEN, and this fucked me off no end, i asked how much i could expect this version to be, and she's like, the cost of a normal cd, being a normal cd. RED ALERT, JUMP SHIP.
What... sorry, what was that?
Well you ordered a normal cd.
No, i asked for the special edition.
Oh, you see you didnt say that.
[Anger stirs while she goes to get her file]
[She changes it, and then comes up with] "yeah you see you have to just tell us if its a special edition"
Yeah, i did, thats why u brought up the discussion about some wierd BS dvd i didnt ask for and doestn even exist. (i think she was referring to salival, but it was intent staring at lateralus that brought her to her sense earlier)

Then... wait for it............ she goes.......... No actually, you didnt
YOU FUCKING MORON. i know what i fucking well said, and how it brought up ur stupid shit, you've screwed me around for so long, dotn tell me what i didnt fuking do, especially if im the customer. arg. walked out and past security, who said he wante a look in my plastic bag, {i will point out that i just started listening to cicatriz esp, a 12:28 song, and it is 12:28am now}, and then i gave him my bag and he very hesistnatly leaned to see its contents and said ok. then he said he wanted to see bag pockets (backpack) and i was like fair enuf and i turned by bag for him to look. and he did nothing for like 5 seconds, then he flicked it, and i was like oookkk. then we left

Scott got maccas, we progressed to KFC. henry, elliot and i split a meal for two or wateva, got 1 large chips between 2, 2 pieces of chicken each, 2 gravy's, 2 coleslaws and 2 drinks. worked out well, though ive learnt original cant hold a spicy to hot and candle. thats wat i wrote at first and then realised grammar was bad, but im way too tired to care. we then jumped on a bus just outside the door, very last moment thing. prior to this though we saw lucy and holly and waved and that was awkward for all involved. then we got on the bus. we reaffirmed our definition of guiness on the way home, and got off near scotts. We got in his car that his dad was driving back from service, metres from his house. i rang mum and said id be home at 6:30 (this was around 5:45) tho i knew it was a lie. Then we got ready, and with 2 riders and a rotating jogger made our way to julians. we got on good time, collected our bags (and packed mine). Then we talked a bit and began riding home. i must saw, that in spite of the uneventfulness, the ride home was awesome. i loved the way everything looked in teh dark, but it was cool and altho my bag was packed to bursting point, it was orsm. approaching south city in canning vale looked truly leet, and had aenima playing all the way home, which i feel entiteld to having bought the cd. Got home 6:40 and had to reheat dinner. mum was marginally annoyed but it didnt last more than a few seconds, as i said id be home at 6 and she's scared of me riding in the dark. After all this i felt truly spent, but in a good way, knowing that at an earlier point i was those same shells in the friday night activity gun, only loaded, and that my disgression was involved in discharging them.
had a good time.

that took me so long to write that post, and im so fukin tired.
i am so fukn tired, and mars volta - inertiac esp is on rage in a sec.
that is good
life for all


Game Release Schedule
Half life 2 - september (30th)
jedi academy - september (16th)
Max payne - October

holy shit
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