Jul 02, 2011 03:07
So today I've decided that I'm way too tired and want to turn in early. I went to bed and about an hour later got woken up by some neighbours' screaming.
It's not the first time this happened (first time it was actually very-very scary because she was shouting "Where's my fucking milk why are you hiding my milk it's my milk I need it now" for about half an hour) but this is the first time something else happened. Namely, there was a sound of a hit and then a child cried like little children cry when suddenly hurt or scared.
I don't like hearing children cry. And I don't like being woken up at a godawful hour by incomprehensibe shouting that sounds like literally something out of a nightmare. And I don't like the realisation that this is happening roughly twice a week now as opposed to two or three times last summer.
Problem is, I can't for the life of me figure out which apartment those sounds are coming from. It's not the one on the left because I can't hear anything when I listen from outside, but it could be any one of three others, or even the one two floors down (soundproof this building isn't).
I kind of think it's the one upstairs because of how all the crashing sounds carry (yes, there are those too - mostly furniture from what I can tell), but um... how do I verify it? They either doing it really late at night or I can't hear it during the day, so I'm not really looking forward to waking up someone at 3 am to check that there aren't any fights in their apartment.
P.S. I woke up, watched Knocked Up (which is actually pretty nice) and just as I finished they started up again. Short burst though, about 5 mins long this time.