This is better than fiver this week

Jun 20, 2008 15:46

1. First name: Brianne
2. Age: 25
3. Location: Portland
4. Occupation: Job hunter
5. School: Trying to get off the paranoia track and finish the transferring process to PSU
6. Partner?: No one. I'm technically flying solo these days.
7. Kids: None. Probably best that an unemployed single gal doesn't have kids.
8. Brothers/Sisters: Taylor is 21 and Josh is 30. I love my brothers.
9. Pets: Lily lives at my mom's house.
10. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life right now:
- I am still very unemployed and it is making me crazy. I hate feeling like a waste and a loser, and that is exactly how I feel these days.
- Stephen seems to have gotten the US Marshals job, which means he is not moving to Spokane, and will be staying in DC for the next 4-6 months before heading off to 4 months of Academy in Georgia. After that, who knows? I do know that by the time he is assigned somewhere, we'll have been apart for two years, give or take, and I don't see that boding well for us. I think that once he has the official offer, we will need to earnestly discuss our expectations for whatever it is we are doing. Another year of this is sort of insane. If finally having his career underway is what he needs most, though, I am certainly not going to try to dissuade him. I always knew it could happen, and I am very thrilled for him. Still, every good thing is not without consequence.
- I have nothing else really to report. I mostly job-hunt and hang out with Paul or Caitlin and/or Annie and roam around town and watch BSG in my apartment. I'm real boring right now.
11. Parents: I am fairly close with my dad & step-mom, but not as much with my mom and her partner. I think it will be a while yet before I feel super close with any of them, though. I'm becoming more reserved in my old age, which doesn't really help me bond with people...including my family.
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