Public Service Announcement: Elliott Haunted House

Sep 13, 2007 12:14

Since I'm seeing and hearing shit all over concerning the Haunted House I will state my view here publicly.

I did not take away the Haunted House. I did not choose to put it up to a vote. I did try to make sure that those invested in the project were present at Hall Council since I knew their voices should be heard ( Read more... )

elliott, hall council, haunted house

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creatingmyths September 13 2007, 23:54:04 UTC
Actually, I didn't come to one exec board (a Monday meeting) because I needed the time for Haunted House; I did, however, give you guys the report at Hall Council, which I would have given you at that exec board meeting. That was September 3rd's meeting, by the way (which was, more or less, last week). This week (September 9th's meeting), I didn't go because you told me that I "didn't have to go". I read this as you guys (not you personally, but the board) expressing a desire not to have me there. You told me that I could give my reports at Hall Council, which, had I not quit, I would have done.

My feelings of alienation stem from the beginning of the semester, specifically during Opening Committee. Nobody really talked to me and I felt that I was being shut out by the crowd. Humans are social creatures, so you can only imagine the impact that this had on me. I felt that I couldn't talk to you because from my perspective, you were unapproachable and cold to me. How can I effectively communicate with somebody I perceive as such? By the time you got to me last week about the option to attend exec board, I was pretty much so far gone in my feelings of alienation that the option presented to me had more a negative impact than the positive one you might have been going for; I didn't want to communicate because I felt that nobody wanted to communicate with me. Also, you never really approached me unless it was to convey some sort of information or something - never to socialize or just see how I was doing in general. The human psyche is fragile. In the end, I felt I was just that awkward person trying to belong to a clique that didn't even want her.

I'm truly sorry that people are blaming you for Haunted House. My walking out of the meeting was honestly not meant to be dramatic. I had a classmate coming over in a few minutes after practice (he's in Absolunacy and their practices are in the Student Center) and I had to give him a book. My cell phone was on me, so I didn't want to interrupt the rest of your meeting when he called. That people followed me was entirely unintentional, and I felt that they misread my intentions. As such, it created a lot more unnecessary drama.

Those are my feelings on this whole situation. To be honest, it was one big communication error: We didn't communicate [effectively] and it destroyed our professional and social relationship. I had no way of knowing that you guys supported me because none of the exec board (with the exception of Jackie one time) really expressed an interest in Haunted House - not just working on it, but knowing how things were going, giving me words of encouragement, showing any sort of enthusiasm for the haunted house, etc. Support isn't just showing up to the meetings.

My hands are completely clean of Haunted House. Anything that happens in regards to that crowd and your people from now on has nothing to do with me. I just want to salvage the rest of my semester, make awesome grades, boost my GPA, and do all the things that as a senior I should be doing to prepare for my immediate future outside of college. If I had stayed with Haunted House, my grades would have suffered and my relationship with the Hall Council exec board and my people would have been seriously damaged. I know my limits.


creatingmyths September 14 2007, 01:01:13 UTC
I'm sorry that you felt I was cold and unaprochable. I would think after 2 years we would realize the difference in one another's personality. I felt you were unapprochable and too busy.

In reality I think we both feel the same way. The need for positive reinforcement had not been satisfied with either one of us. I'm not mad that you resigned, I understand and I'm glad you know your limits.

I'm pissed off that people are plaming me.


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