Dec 14, 2003 23:13
I'm so hurt right now. I feel like I've lost someone so special to me. I want to cry, but I know it's pointless. They are useless tears. Ones that I've cried before. He was so special to me. More special than anyone will ever know. Forever will he have a piece of my heart.
Anyways, work was okay today. Me and Jeff talked today. For some reason, I have a hard time telling that man what I really do need to tell him. I figure it's best if he doesn't know about me and Mike. I mean, it's throwing it up in his face all the time, and I really don't think thats fair. Jeff loves me. That much I know. But to say I don't love him would be a lie. I just don't love him as much as I love Mike. Mike has my heart. He makes me tickle inside. He's always been able to do that. It's part of his magic. I wish that me and him would have never have been apart.It just fucked things up so bad.
Life is pretty good right now. Job is good. Me and Mike are good. I'm getting my "other new ring" back on Thursday. Me and Mike exchanged my new one and got a different one because my stone was kinda crappy looking. But my new one is soooo pretty. Im happy. Me and Mike were calculating again today if we would be able to move out in March and I think we just might make it. At least I hope so. We are going to try and save up 4000. I think we can if I stop spending so much money. :) I think after x-mas we will start saving money. I mean. I don't think I need anymore clothes. :) Right Mike?