So I probably had swine flu....

Jul 23, 2009 11:47

every year it's always the same for me, dry season hits and I get sick. Well that's when i'm guaranteed to get sick but I still get sick through out the year. What's wrong with my immune system? wish I was a little stronger!!

I had Mon 6 - Fri 10 July off because my Nanna was in Darwin and I wanted to spend some time with her. Then the week before my mate Jorel decides to come up so I arranged to have Friday off as well so I could hang out Thursday night, but ahh nothing works out for me! By wednesday of that week I had a dry constant cough that would not stop and I started to feel feverish. I went out to east point that night for fire works but just got sicker as the night went on. Thursday morning I woke up and felt like death. I called in sick but still had to go in for a couple of hours around midday to sort everything out before my leave started as I wasn't going to be in for over a week. Jesse our communications officer had left the new newsletters on my desk to distribute but because I was sick I took them back to him and said I can't i'm going home. I was bed ridden for the next 3 days. I have never felt so crap!! It was a really intense fever, my whole body was on fire and every muscle ached insanely. I kept taking painkillers to stop the throbbing, and I never take painkillers when I'm sick! My boss called me Friday and said that Jesse had come down with something and was being tested for swine flu so I should get tested to. Hmalan our Indigenous facilitatior got back from the US on the Monday and fell sick just after me as well!! so yeah they both got tested and went into quarantine for a week. I didn't want to because Nanna was up and I wanted to be able to see her so I just hid in my room for about 4days sleeping non stop, hiding from everyone.

When I got back to work last week I found out Jesse was tested positive!! he had swine flu! and he also had a type of influenzia, like stage 1 or something. I was talking to him and he had the exact same symptoms as me!! extrememly high temperatures, aching body all over and dry constant cough. No flemn or nose crap at all! weird...

Haha so yeah I probably passed it on to Jesse... and I didn't even know!

I'm all better now obviously, all I needed was bed rest :)
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