my birthday and such

Nov 06, 2008 12:14

I have been oh too busy to update my birthday but I've set aside some time today so lets get onto it.

I got back from Newcastle Sun 19, so two days before my bday which was badly planned as I actually went back to work ON MY BIRTHDAY. It was the craziest - non-fun bday you can imagine. I spent hours answering email requests and trying to sort out financials that got messed up while I was away. See work really can't function properly without me. That is the longest I have ever been away while business is still operating. And I don't think I ever want to do it again. While it was awesome to be holidaying it up and imagining my poor staff back in the office, it actually was worse then ever to come back into it. I spent the last two weeks trying to catch up and today I have my head in the middle of the new Diners statements.

Faaaark work.

I had to stay back 40mins on my birthday as the Director had urgent stuff for me to take care of. I didn't even take lunch I just worked my ass off all day. Anyway when I finally got home mum had also just arrived and was trying to get my birthday roast started. We were late for dinner becuase we both had full on days.

Dinner was really nice, James and his mother Toni came along with Dad, Carol and Caitlin. So it was alot quieter then I'm usually use to. Only 1 sister out of 4! Sandra and Amanda being in Canada obviously couldn't make it and Melissa couldn't get out of work. Though she came just after 8 with Jason and had desert (which was ice cream cake and fruit salad! mmmmmm)

Then on the Friday of that week the girls and I went to dinner at prickles because I am in love with that place now. The service is so good and the food is delicious! Paula, Michelle, Rhi and I got there at 6.30 but when it was like 10 to 7 and Mel still wasn't there we started to wander. I didn't have my phone because it was home on charge. Anyway she finally rocked up like quarter past 7 to 7.30, which was so late and we were all staaaaaaaaarving. It turned out she got stuck at after work drinks.
We finally ordered and had some wine while we waited. The meals were so big and flling that only Rhiannon actually finished her whole plate. Michelle and I had heaps left over and we took them home. No one was that hungry for cake either even though I had picked up a yummy ice cream cake from baskin and robins. I made sure I had a piece and Rhiannon definitly did to. I think Mel and Paula shared. So I had heaps to take home and it's still sitting in the freezer hahaha. Oh yeah and I just bought it to eat but didn't bring any candles on purpose because I didn't want anyone to sing. But the waitress put candles on it anyway and the whole bloody restaurant sang! haha it made me laugh. Then we stole the mexican hats off this other table and got a few photos at the back of the store because by this stage no one was really in there apart from two tables near us. Got home just after 10pm, so all in all it was a great night.

Saturday Paula and I headed round to Michelle's about 1.30ish where she had arranged a day for me. SHe tried to get a few of my friends there but everyone was busy at last notice with either uni or work or whatever. So it was just the three of us until Cathy came through her vomiting virus and all! There were platters made up, yummmy chocolate cake, beers, bourbon and wine, so we had a pretty kick arse day. We played a couple of games of pool which was hilarious as we all suck except Cathy, who just so happened to be on my team :) I remember in the second game I hadn't got in a single ball, Cathy had sunk all of ours so we only had the black ball, and Paula and Michelle still had 3 of theirs up. It was Paula's go so Cathy jumped up and gave a little direction, next second Paula gets the first one in, then the second and then the third! All in one turn! haha, yeah we were so wasted by this stage, it was definitly exciting seeing as no one had got more then one at a time and even that took forever. Then I jumped up after Paula's victory, I aimed at the black ball, it went flying accross the table, hit the wall and bounced back into the hole! haha so I got one in finally and scored us a win :) I still think Paula won the game with her brilliant 3 balls!

After pool we went swimming and took photos jumping in, but we never really got one that worked properly, I was off timing with paula and would be stll standing when we were supposed to jump haha. Bloody drunk ppl. lol.

Paula and Cathy left about 6pm and then I hung out at Michelle's waiting for mum's cards night to finish so she could pick me up. I also tried to sober up, Michelle cooked yummo spaghetti and it was goooooood. We watched 'Loose change - second edition' which was a documentary on 9/11. It was so interesting and cool to see all the evidence showing that it a govt planned attack and nothing to do with terrorism. I already suspected that but to see more evidence and witnesses speaking out was just unreal. I've bought it on dvd to give to dad or mum, can't decide yet.

So it's now November and Sarah leaves forever on 4 December. She's moving to Brisbane with her AJ boyf who's been posted there. Lucky Strandbags set her up so she's going to roll into a manager position in like the first 3days. Lucky girl. Michelle and I are going to miss her so much. The three of us were the closest in the group and it's not going to be the same without her. Though I do plan to leave myself next year, we'll just see when that happens.

Yay for Obama becoming president, we all knew it was going to happen and now it's confirmed. I hope he proves himself and cleans the US up. There is so much damage to fix after Bush so I hope the ppl are patient and aren't jumping down his throat in his first few months. Fixing the US will take time and the American's better understand that. Just like the Australian's are not understanding with Rudd. It takes time and Howard didn't exactly leave him a piece of cake.

Ok time to get back to work.
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