The Boon challenge is now closed.
Our next challenge is: Inveterate
1. settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling, or the like: an inveterate gambler.
2. firmly established by long continuance, as a disease, habit, practice, feeling, etc.; chronic.
Syn: abiding, chronic, continuing, entrenched, habitual, incurable, ingrained, long-lasting, obstinate, persistent
Go ahead and twist the challenge however you want, it’s up to you. *g*
You have two weeks to write your fic and post or link to it here. I will post a new challenge on Wednesday, May 17th.
This week’s challenge doesn’t inspire you? Check out our previous challenges numerically here:
LJ |
DW or alphabetically here:
LJ |
If at any time you need to refresh your memory about subject lines, headers, or anything else, check out the rules on the profile page:
LJ |
Have fun!
(Please feel free to suggest future challenges in the comments to this post.)