Fic: Nathan Barley (Concupiscence66)

Apr 28, 2014 21:56

Title: Altered Reality
Author: Concupiscence66
Artist: karneol_vision
Fandom: Nathan Barley
Characters/Pairings: Dan/Jones
Rating/Category: NC-17/slash
Genre: AR, drama
Word Count: 25K
Warnings drug abuse, alcohol abuse/dependence, prostitution, dub-con, character death (the one mentioned in the summary, there aren't more!), explicit sex, angst
Summary: There is no world in which Dan Ashcroft is a happy fellow, but without Claire, he would be lost.
When Claire dies in a tragic accident, Dan is left to negotiate the plastic world of Shoreditch on his own. It doesn't go well, but the world has a certain rhythm and rhyme and as a homeless alcoholic, Dan still becomes the Preacher Man, spray painting the truth on the walls and inspiring a cult-like devotion.

Link to fic master post:
Link to art master post:

[t] fanfic, [f] nathan barley, [a] concupiscence66, [r] 03

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