Fic: Priest (Tarlan)

Apr 07, 2013 01:10

Title: The Devil in the Darkness
Author: Tarlan (tarlanx)
Artist (1): Gryph (gryphon2k)
Artist (2): Rubystandish (rubystandish)
Fandom: Priest
Characters/Pairings: Priest/Black Hat
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash
Genre: Action
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings violence
Summary: After the events of the movie, the Priest heads to City Seven to meet up with the priestess and other priests who have defied the orders of the Church. They know the vampire Queen from Sola Mira is still alive and they intend to hunt her down and kill her. What they don't realize at first is that Black Hat survived the inferno on the train and has his own agenda.
Driven by memories of the past, and conflicting emotions regarding the other man that each once considered a friend, the Priest and Black Hat race to reach the Queen before the other. As priests and vampires meet in a final battle, Black Hat's agenda becomes very clear, heralding the dawn of a new kind of vampire.

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[t] fanfic, [r] 02, [f] priest, [a] tarlanx

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