Fic: Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy (dentedsky)

Apr 07, 2018 23:58

Title: Labyrinth of Heart and Thought
Author: dentedsky
Artist: danceswithgary
Fandom: Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy
Characters/Pairings: Cloud/Kuja, Squall/Bartz, Yuna, Jecht
Rating/Category: Mature/Slash
Genre: Action/Adventure
Word Count: 28,435
Warnings Temporary main character death, fantasy stylised violence, course language, possession.
Summary: Cloud kidnaps Zidane to save Kuja and everything goes to hell.

Link to fic master post: A hero would sacrifice himself to save the world...
Link to art master post:...and a villain would sacrifice the world to save one life.

[t] fanfic, [f] dissidia duodecim: final fantasy, [a] dentedsky, [r] 07

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