ART: The Breakfast Club (imera)

Apr 13, 2015 21:39

Title: I Turned Away
Artist: imera
Author: apckrfan
Fandom: The Breakfast Club
Characters/Pairings: Claire Standish/John Bender
Rating/Category: R / Het
Warnings None
Summary: Four years after the movie, Claire gets a late night phone call from the last person she'd expect to hear from. This fic is certainly about the relationship between Claire and John as they both evolve, but as the fic grew it very much became John’s fic and how he overcomes, adapts, and deals with the changes that come to his life. All of the changes, essentially, come about as a result of his involvement with Claire. Relationships and involvements he never dreamt of. I explore different things in this fic, mostly being the way John reacts to these different things being thrown at him. For someone who was pretty accepting of being alone and living a very single lifestyle his reactions aren’t always the right ones.

Link to art master post: Ao3
Link to fic master post: Web site | AO3 |

[r] 04, [a] imera, [f] breakfast club.the, [t] fanart

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