Oct 21, 2004 08:40
The past few weeks, I've had thoughts and feelings entertaining my mind that I've felt like writing down and yet had no place to. So, the birth of a new journal is born! I stepped out of the online journal scene over a year ago, as it seemed to be a center for my negative energy, where I'd only bitch and moan over the latest insignificant tragedies befalling me. A year wiser I am now, and not so much bothers me anymore.
However, lately I've been feeling like the realizations and observations I make throughout the day should get written down. It's like there's something inside me that just doesn't feel like staying put, something that begs to be expressed... Normally, I'd try expressing myself through my art, but currently I have little time to devote to my personal artwork. So, writing's the next best medium!
Alas, I must go shower and get ready for class. Feels good already to get some thoughts down!