Feb 18, 2004 01:25
this weekend was a total waste to say the least hope my next one is better than this, monday we got off that was pretty cool.
im out to get a acoustic. Cause girls are suckers for acoustics.
There is hope out there, just cause you have a shitty time doesnt mean you gotta be an ass about it, sorry for complaining, and now i am talking to myself. seems like everyone had a nice subtle weekend thats nice, today went by really fast and then i got new glasses (same exact kind just new frames because my ear piece fell off) it feels a bit wierd but alt lease i didnt have to pay anything because they were under warranty. i hope my mom sells her resturant or we win the lottery so then my family and friends would never have to worry about money i think my mom deserves it more than probally anyone she workes like over 90 hours a week and barley gets shit for it. and then i could move back to va beach and play in the snow with jake lesley ricky jane matt alex jessie andrew peyton bip cj although im just starting to fit in here it would be nice to see you guys every day it would be like a weekend everday for me.i miss all of those bitches so much even if we dont do anything i think its really cool just to hang out with them.
maybe one day my dad will cough up some damn child support, hes a fucking asshole, i dont care if i ever see him again, he probally wont even call to say happy birthday, he didnt even call me for my last one, too busy with his new family i guess wife and her kids, i hope hes fucking happy he never sees me, hes one of the most selfish men i know, if i turn into him some one please stab me. sorry my aunts gave me like a 2 hour talk about him really pisses me off that they defend him. i hope everyone will be really cool people when they grow up, and they dont get all wierd and fuck up.
much <3 just had to get all that shit off my chest. goodnight...<3<3<3
ps. its been 17 days since you know what only 73 days left