♥ Smallville Secret Valentine ♥

Jan 23, 2011 03:17


I'm sorry I wasn't around lately but I wasn't feeling that well.
I'll post shortly about all the wonderful fics we got for Christmas!
Once again, thank you so much for taking part! It was awesome to share Christmas spirit with all of you!

Now, time comes for LOVE and Valentine Day.

What do you think about a FIC-EXCHANGE!
Wouldn't it be awesome to wait Valentine Day knowing that some Sekrit Valentine will write some lovely and personalized gift for you? ;)

Read the rules below, digest it and give it a go! The more the merrier!
I hope a lot of you will take part♥


-Sign up starts now and ends Sunday, January 30th.

-Fics have to involve at least one character from the Smallville Justice League.

-Fill out the small request form under :

* Characters/pairing you're willing to write about:
* Characters/pairing you're not willing to write about:
* What you are willing to make:
* What you're not willing to make:
* The highest rating you're willing to write:

* Characters/pairing you would like to read about:
* Characters/pairing you really don't want to read about:
* Anything specific you'd like to see about (ie: hero!Lois, "word-prompts", kinks):
* The rating you want most:

-Once done, post it in a comment to this post (comments are screened!).

-Wait for a reply telling you what your prompts are for the fic you're gifting; this is a super-secret Valentine's exchange, meaning that you don't know who you're getting!
(I will reply to you Monday, january 31st the later so you'll have two weeks to write your ficlet)

-Keep in mind, this is a more romantic, fun fic gifting. Angst is allowed, as long as it's not 'hopeless'.

-Minimum word count is 500/+ words to be sure that everyone gets a good, solid fic.

-Have your fic finished and ready to send via e-mail to me by Sunday, February 13th as early as you can so I can begin work on getting them ready to post on Valentine's Day, Monday, February 14th.

Contact info:


-**VERY IMPORTANT (even if it goes without saying): Please have you Valentine's gift ready for the deadline! Remember that someone is waiting for a LOVE-treat from you!

[smallearth] - mod post, [prompts], [fanfic] - valentine day

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