[FIC] “What Ollie do best”, Lover

Sep 28, 2008 16:39

Title : Lover
Prompt: Prompt # 1 - What Ollie do best?
Characters/Pairings : Lois Lane, Lollie (Oliver/Lois).
Rating : PG-13.
Words : 100.
Warning : No beta, sorry.
Summary : She’ll miss him.

Lois knows refusing Oliver another chance is for the best. She loves him and always will. She’ll miss him greatly, his beautiful smile, his smooth voice, his gentleness. The musc smell of his skin and the feeling of his strong hands on her body. Surrendering and compliant body. Oliver Queen is a wonderful lover, and she could only blush and feel dizzy remembering the things that man is able in bed. But what she’ll miss the most, and nobody would ever believes her, is the special Oliver Queen’s after coitus night breakfast. She is craving for one more of those.

[pairing] - lollie, [pairing] - lois/oliver, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [fanfic] - drabble, [prompt : 01-the best]

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