1st Zatanna Drabble-A-Thon HAS BEGUN!!!!!

Jun 12, 2009 00:14

1st Zatanna Drabble-A-Thon has begun.

+ Please post your responses in a new entry, NOT in the comments... we're trying to livin' up sv_zatanna, after all.
+ Remember to include proper headings of course.
+ The "/" does not have to mean you have to write a het/slash pairing, it just means that both characters have to be the main focus of the story.
+ Yes if you wish, you can combine prompts.
+ If you have any questions/comments/etc, comment here.
+ If we get a good amount (which means people other than me posting responses) we'll do this again next month and hopefully have it monthly.
+ This ends when we get a decent amount of responses (between 10-20).

Prompts below!
( prompts and some more! ;D )

[character] - zatanna, [pub]

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