Title : Causing trouble
Prompt: 01- the best
Characters/Pairings : Lana, Lex
Rating : K
Words : 115
Warning : None
Summary : She really wondered sometimes...
Lana sat in ‘her’ chair inside her husband’s office and folded the newspaper together, after reading her horoscope.
“It says here, ‘Stick with what you do best’. I was just wondering if everyone has something they do best” said Lana trying to initiate a conversation.
Lex looked at her and rolled his eyes, so this was going to be one of those days. “Everyone has something they do best. Absolutely everyone.”
“Even the Green Arrow?” she asked innocently. Truth was she had a secret crush on the masked green leathered thief, but Lex only saw him as a dangerous terrorist.
“He is best at causing trouble” was all Lex said before returning to his reports.
I really hope that this fic is also ok with 112 words... I couldn't cut it down to 100 Words... buhhhuhuuuhhuuu
Please comment... ;-)