Prompt: "Waltz", Team Oliver, for smallearth St Valentine's Day challenge.

Feb 20, 2009 18:54

Title: Tennessee Waltz
Author: pippii
Rating: PG
Pairing / Characters: Oliver/Bart
Length: 300 words
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I don't own Oliver or Bart
Prompt: "Waltz", Team Oliver, for smallearth St Valentine's Day challenge.

A/N: This is my second attempt in this challenge and the lovely babydracky chose this prompt and pairing for me, so this is for you Sweetie♥

”I was dancing with my darling, to the Tennessee Waltz”…..

The music blared through the loud speakers in the living room….

”Ouch, you’re supposed to move backwards you know??!
”This was your STUPID idea!!”
”Is not stupid Impulse, it is supposed to be romantic””
”How romantic do you find me stepping on your toes to be?””

Oliver let go of Bart and turned down the music.
He walked over to the big window overlooking the city and looked out into the clear starry night.
He just wanted this Valentines Day to be special for him and Bart, after all it was their first together.
He had always thought that Waltzing was the most romantic thing in the world, but apparently Bart didn’t.
Bart kept stepping on his toes, turning the wrong way and being an annoying brat about the whole thing.

”Happy Valentine to us”, Oliver thought and felt like sulking, when he felt a hand on his back.
”Sorry”, Bart said in a low voice, and Oliver turned to look at him.
”It ok, we don`t…..”, Oliver started but Bart interrupted him, ”I have an idea”, he said with a smirk and took Oliver hand an lead him onto the floor once again.
Then he turned on the music again and went to stand before Oliver. Smiling he put his arms around Oliver and then stepped up on his feet….
Oliver looked surprised for a second, then he started to sway to the music hugging Bart close to his chest.

Bart gave a sigh of satisfaction and looked up at Oliver.
You’re right”, he said with a smile, ”this is the most romantic thing ever.”
Oliver bowed his head and kissed him, still slowly moving them around the floor.

”I was dancing with my darling, to the Tennessee Waltz”…..

[pairing] - bollie, [pairing] - bart/oliver, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [prompt] - valentine day, [character] - bart allen/impulse, [fanfic] - valentine day, [rating] - pg

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