Fic: I won't send you roses [1/1]

Feb 19, 2009 20:45

Title: I won’t send you roses [1/1]
Author: Rae
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Oliver, Lois, Chloe; Lois/Oliver
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Season 6 and slight angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters nor have I claimed to. All rights are reserved by their respective parties.
Summary: When Oliver messes up, he sends flowers but they won’t always cover his mistakes.
Word Count: 502
A/N: The title is from a song of the same name. Written for the smallearth Valentine’s challenge.
Prompt: February 19th/Red Roses/Team Oliver.

Oliver knew Lois was the only thing in his life untouched by duty and his need for justice. Because of that, he knew he could never drag her down into the life he had created for himself. Of all the things, he promised himself that.

So he lied and sent her flowers.

It was tiger-lilies after he had skipped out on their dinner last week. They were particularly impressive, he had seen it on the face of the flower shop girl who had wrapped them for him as he wrote out the card.

“Those are lovely Mr Queen,” The girl blushed as Ollie smiled.

“It’s Oliver,” God knows he spent enough time in here for her to call him his given name. For a moment Oliver’s smile faded, “Do you think it says ‘I’m sorry I missed dinner’ or ‘I’m really a big jerk, forgive me?’ or none of the above?”

The girl mock contemplated, “I’m sorry I missed dinner, for sure.”


Lois sprayed her favourite perfume on her wrists as she eyed the large flowery spectacle seemingly glared at her from the living room.

“I think it’s nice that Oliver sends you flowers,” Chloe said as she hooked the clasp on Lois’ necklace into place.

“I think I’d like it better if he wasn‘t apologizing for whatever mistake he thinks he‘s made,” Lois sighed.


Lois pulled the metal grate that covered Oliver’s elevator to the side as she stepped into his apartment. Oliver was nowhere to be seen but his secretary had assured Lois he was here.

“Lois?” Oliver called as he appeared in the archway that lead towards his room. Lois smiled brightly, “Hey stranger.”

“Wow, you look…” Oliver felt a grin spread over his features, “It’s a shame I’m going to make you change.”

“Change?” Lois rose her eyebrows.

Oliver motioned for her to follow him back to the bedroom but Lois eyed him sceptically, “What is this Ollie?”

“This is movie night.” Oliver said proudly, handing Lois one of his shirts and some sweatpants.


Lois and Oliver watched quite possibly every one of Lois’ favourite movies and Oliver didn’t disappear once. Happily, Lois had fallen asleep in the crook of Oliver’s arm after about the fifth film but she didn’t wake up that way. The other side of the bed was cold, Lois looked around but found the room empty.

“Sorry, it’s been awhile since I made waffles, I burnt the first batch.”

Lois blinked as Oliver bought her a plate of every delicious breakfast food on it and from behind his back he produced one single red rose.

Biting her lip, Lois accepted the plate and the rose, “Thanks Ollie.”

Oliver wished in that moment he wasn’t the Green Arrow. For a second, he thought about breaking his promise and telling her. But he didn’t, he couldn’t. So he made a new promise; one day he would tell her everything and he wouldn’t send flowers to say he was sorry. He would just be there, like she always wanted.

[character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [prompt] - valentine day, [fanfic] - valentine day, [character] - lois lane, [pairing] - lollie, [pairing] - lois/oliver, [fanfic] - one shot, [character] - chloe sullivan/watchtower

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