karraparis's Easter Basket

Mar 14, 2012 08:56

Username: karraparis

Favorite Female Characters: Chole, Kara-El, Martha Kent
Favorite Male Characters: Clark, Lex, Jason, Ollie, Davis, Bart, Johnathan Kent (Best TV dad ever!)
Favorite Pairings: Ch/any (minus Lana)
Other: Love Future, Past, and crossover stuff!

What is your favorite part of Easter?: Chocolate Bunnies, Easter thymed movie-thon, and family ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - easter, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [character] - jonathan kent, [character] - lex luthor, [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm, [rating] - pg, [character] - martha kent, [member] - karraparis, [fanfic] - drabble, [prompt] - easter, [member] - josephina_x, [fanfic] - one shot, [character] - kara zor el/supergirl, [member] - babydracky, [character] - chloe sullivan/watchtower

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josephina_x April 8 2012, 04:26:46 UTC

In the kitchen, Kara was showing off her candy haul. She had settled Lex on a stool, then plopped down on one herself, right before she'd overturned the large wicker basket onto the kitchen table. It was soon apparent that she'd accummulated a very large pile of candy.

"Where did you get all of this?" Lex asked tentatively, waving a hand at the hoard. He'd never seen candy in the Kent household before, let alone half a metric ton of it.

"The church down the street. They have games and egghunts and more games and raffles and games." She got a sly smile before confiding. "I won the games."

"Which games?" Lex asked, leaning in and subconsciously mirroring her conspiring pose.

Kara glanced around like she was waiting for the candy police to strike. Then she whispered to Lex, "All of them."

"...All of them?"

Kara nodded.

"Ah. Well." Lex searched for an appropriate response. "Congratulations."

Kara grinned.

"So, this is everything you won?" Lex asked.


Lex stared at her while she bit her lip and giggled.

"What else did you win?" he asked, wondering what he was missing.

"More candy!"

"...You had more candy than this?" Lex's eyebrows raised.

Kara nodded several times in a row.

"Where is it?" he asked, glancing over at the basket Clark had brought in. ...But no, that looked like vegetables from the garden.

Then he watched Kara point at her lower torso. Lex frowned slightly.

So Kara elaborated: "In my stomach. Thing. Stomach-ish thing. There-ish." Lex blinked at her. "I ate it."

"I see," said Lex.

"Have you had a lot of candy yet today?" Lex probed cautiously.

"Bunches! It's great!" Kara thew up her arms, grinning. Then she giggled and grabbed his arm again. "You should try the chocolate. Have you tried chocolate? It's the best! Especially the bunny chocolate! And the bunny marshmallows! And the bunny peppermints! You should totally try all of it!" she said, bouncing in her chair. "But especially the chocolate!" she demanded seriously in a low voice, leaning close.

"Ok," Lex agreed weakly, hoping he didn't end up suffering the same fate of an extreme sugar rush, to which Clark's younger cousin had evidently already violently succumbed. He got another brilliant grin for his trouble, and gave her a small smile in return.


"I can't believe you're ok with this," Chloe hissed at Clark quietly across the couch. They'd all moved to the living room, and were taking turns sending surreptitious glances Lex's way. "Why is Lex here instead of Lana?"

Clark was getting a headache.

"Lana isn't here and didn't want to be," Mrs. Kent explained calmly, cutting in as she set down a plate of cookies and assorted snacks. "She's spending the day with her Aunt in Metropolis."

"So, how exactly did Lex get himself invited?" Oliver asked none-too-politely.

Mrs. Kent gave him a withering look, and he had the courtesy to look at least a little ashamed. "Kara realized after Clark started moping about Lana not being able to come that Easter wasn't just a family affair. So, she said she wanted to invite Lex, and I told her that that was a wonderful idea."

"Mom!" Clark said, wide-eyed and sounding shocked.

"Well, at least we can keep an eye on him this way," Chloe said darkly, biting into a cookie and eyeing Lex from the kitchen. He had his back to the room and was seemingly ignoring the lot of them except for Kara.

They busied themselves with eating light snacks, relaxing while waiting for the candied ham to finish baking in the oven, which Martha had put in earlier. They quietly talked about the feast for the night and the weather turning, before moving on to weightier topics, such as Martha's work in the senate, Oliver's work with Queen Industries, and Chloe's Isis Foundation recruitment drive.

They all jumped when they heard Lex giggle.


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