personaleclipse's Easter Basket

Mar 12, 2012 20:06

Username: personaleclipse

Favorite Female Characters: Lois, Martha/Red Queen, Alicia
Favorite Male Characters: Clark, Ollie, Lex, Bart
Favorite Pairings: Clois, Chlollie, Clex (only as FRIENDS!)
Other: S9 and S10 were the BESTS^^

What is your favorite part of Easter?: staying at home and doing nothing (:
What Easter things do you enjoy most?: candies, ( Read more... )

[rating] - pg 13, [character] - lex luthor, [member] - personaleclipse, [pairing] - chlollie, [character] - lois lane, [pictures] - photomontage, [fanfic] - drabble, [member] - josephina_x, [fanfic] - one shot, [fanfic] - easter, [pairing] - chloe/oliver, [video] - youtube, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm, [prompt] - easter, [character] - chloe sullivan/watchtower, [member] - babydracky

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josephina_x April 8 2012, 07:42:45 UTC
"Nngn," said Clark, staring up at the ceiling from the couch.

"...What happened?" Lex said, turning over on the floor and sounding drunk.

"For the re-ecord," Lois said from over by the loft railing, raising an arm into the air to point wildly in the direction of the ceiling. "I to-tal-ly won. Everything! Ever." She declared this in a mumble, face-down on the hardwood floor.

Oliver moaned a little from over by the loft window. His face was currently illuminated by full-on sunlight, and it wasn't helping his hangover.

"Did... did we get hit by Zatanna's magic alcohol again?" Clark asked weakly. "I don't feel so good, and I think it feels like the not-good from that time."

Lex slowly propped himself upright. "Why am I here with you people?" he asked.

"Smallville," Oliver groaned. "Why is it always Smallville?"

"It was Metropolis last time," Clark reminded him, as he sat up and winced and swayed. He raised a hand shakily to his head.

"Who is this Zatanna, and what's so magic about her alcohol?" Lex tried again. He attempted to glare at the reporter in front of him, but when he did that he saw double and his headache got worse, so he stopped doing that.

"I... I think... there might've been a drinking game," Oliver mumbled from the floor.

Clark had to think about it for a minute. Then he fuzzily remembered that. "We were drinking to... to..."

"Kryptonite!" Lex declared, raising a hand at the sky, in a similar fashion to Lois earlier. Then he lowered it and frowned. "Hey..." he said, not very muzzily. "You look like that guy... that..." he said, sounding puzzled. Then his gaze cleared, and his mind sharpened a little more, and he sat up straight. "You look like that guy!" he repeated angrily.

"Huh?" said Clark, before realizing that his glasses were half-dangling off of his face.

"No, no, wasn't Kryptonite," Oliver muttered, throwing an arm over his face to block out the light hitting his eyes. "What was it...?"

"I'm not that guy," Clark defended badly. "I'm... me?" he tried lamely.

"You are!" Lex said hotly. "You are so that guy! The one with the flappy cape!" he said, staggering upright and leaning over to poke at Clark's chest. "I so knew it," he ended smugly, before losing his balance and falling backwards to sit down hard on the wooden coffee table with a 'thud!'. He looked down, a little surprised to have stopped before ending up on the floor.

"Newspapers, yeah. Words in newspapers," Oliver muttered out loud to no one in particular. "Mine was 'eggs', and Clark's was 'bunnies', and Lois's was 'chocolate, and Lex's was 'the' 'cause he got a penalty for showing up late..."

"And I won," Lois repeated adamantly, not having moved from her spot.

"How did I get drunk? I can't get drunk! ...that easy. On much," Clark added belatedly at the end, because Lex was there. "And I am not that guy, I so am not, and... and... I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, how could you so know it anyway?" he said to Lex.

"Facial recognition software," Lex said smugly, leaning back.

"Oh, that is so not fair!" Clark said. "And... and it totally doesn't work anyway. So there."

"Whuh," Lois said, turning over and peering up at Lex. "Hey. Hey. Why are you here?" she said, sounding annoyed. "I didn't call you here. ...Did I?" she frowned. She'd blacked out at some point and couldn't remember last night at all.


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