bringthefate's Easter Basket

Mar 11, 2012 10:30

Username: bringthefate

Favorite Female Characters: Lana, Zatanna Tess, Lois
Favorite Male Characters: Oliver, Clark, Jason, Victor
Favorite Pairings: Clark/Oliver, Jason/Clark, Lana/Oliver, Clark/Zatanna, Zatanna/Oliver, Lana/Clark, Lana/Victor, Lana/Zatanna, Chloe/Jimmy, Tess/Clark, Tess/Oliver, Lois/Clark, Chloe/Clark.
Other: I don't like Chloe/Oliver... ( Read more... )

[pairing] - clark/oliver, [member] - crazy4ew, [pictures] - photomontage, [fanfic] - drabble, [pairing] - clark/zatanna, [member] - josephina_x, [fanfic] - easter, [video] - youtube, [character] - zatanna, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [pairing] - collie, [character] - victor stone/cyborg, [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm, [rating] - pg, [member] - bringthefate, [prompt] - easter, [member] - babydracky

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josephina_x April 8 2012, 05:28:54 UTC
Victor sighed happily.

Now that the Justice League was 'out', he was able to be more out in the open without worrying as much about anyone trying to grab him and take him apart to see how he ticked.

So now he could do things like this -- go out on the town, with Superman and Green Arrow, and attend a kids charity event to help out.

Some of the kids stories were sad, and Victor wished that the tech that had saved him could be used to help. But, the problem was, even if Luthor could be convinced to use it for those purposes, it would take years to get everything through safe channels after proper testing and all the clinical trials, and even then the kids might not be able to use it, because the tech required some horribly invasive procedures and 'rewiring' to support it, and it wouldn't grow as they did, which would mean multiple surgeries.

It still didn't make Victor feel any better, looking at the amputees and kids who were stuck in wheelchairs. Maybe by the time they were adults, the tech would be ready for them. He knew Oliver was working on it, at least, even if Lex might or might not be.

But it put a smile on his face to come to find that the kids weren't mad about it at all. They didn't resent that they were stuck hobbling around with hooks for hands and metal bars and wooden slats for legs and feet -- they just thought it was cool that Victor was a 'cyborg' like them.

By the end of the day, he'd had about thirty kids having taken turns face-painting smiley faces and ducks and flowers and, in one notable case, a cow, all over his face, arms, and legs. Even the 'false' machined ones.

And he lost the three-legged race to some of them with the grace they deserved, even though Bart had shown at the last minute to be sheepish as all get-out that the Flash had gotten them beat out by Cyborg's younger 'siblings' because he'd gotten the timing wrong and gotten them all tangled up in the grass twenty feet from the finish line.




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