flareonfury's Easter Basket

Mar 10, 2012 22:13

Favorite Female Characters: Chloe, Zatanna, Mia, Kara, Tess, Stargirl
Favorite Male Characters: Oliver, Clark, AC, Bart, Carter, Whitney
Favorite Pairings: Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Clark, Chloe/AC, Zatanna/Oliver, Zatanna/Clark, Zatanna/AC, Mia/Oliver, Clark/Mia, Carter/Chloe, Zatanna/Carter, Carter/Stargirl, Chloe/Whitney
Other: Crossovers LOVE ME SOME ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - easter, [character] - zatanna, [pairing] - chloe/clark, [rating] - pg 13, [member] - flareonfury, [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm, [rating] - pg, [fanfic] - drabble, [character] - justice league, [prompt] - easter, [member] - josephina_x, [member] - babydracky, [character] - chloe sullivan/watchtower, [pairing] - chlark

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josephina_x April 8 2012, 04:23:15 UTC
Author's Note: Not really smut, 'cause I can't write smut worth a damn, but as close as I could make it ^_^;;


So, according to Zatanna, Easter wasn't just a Christian holiday; apparently there was a similar holiday for a fertility goddess with a similar name -- Ishtar or Eostre or something like that. Clark wasn't so sure about it, but Chloe said that she'd looked it up, and apparently there were pagan roots in some of the modern customs like the egg-painting and such.

Zatanna, who was always up for trying new things as part of her magic studies, wanted to celebrate the "pagan way", too.

Clark should've known that it was a bad idea, especially when Bart had complained that he was going to be out of town and not able to join in.

As it turned out, Zatanna had spiked the cups of honey-mead with magic. Again. Only this time, unlike the champaigne, everybody remembered what had happened afterwards.

Clark really should've known better -- never, never, never trust a witch. That was Rule 1 of magic. And if it wasn't, then it should be.

Clark was pretty sure that the whole "this is the old pagan way of celebrating" thing? Was total BS.

Clark was also pretty sure that Lois was not gonna like how he'd been passed around like a party favor between Zee, Mia, and Chloe.

Chloe had spent most of the night monopolizing all of Oliver's time, so their relationship wasn't in too dire a strait, at least, though apparently they had some talking to do, since atone point he'd gotten passed around much the same way Clark had been all night long.

Gah. Even thinking about what had happened to Oliver, not even himself, still made Clark blush. Hell, Clark would probably never stop blushing, at the rate he was going.

AC, on the other hand, had been pretty happy about the whole thing, actually -- apparently Mera had been giving him the cold shoulder lately, and he'd been moping about a lot.

Zatanna had gotten her fill of the three of the males -- for the night, at least -- and Clark hoped and prayed that when she'd been muttering about cooking up a love potion,  she'd been talking about AC and not him.

Clark wished that Lois had been there last night instead of stuck at the Daily Planet working on an expose, and then at home catching up on the finances.

AC, Oliver, and Zatanna had wished Lois had been there last night for very vocal (at the time) and entirely different reasons.

What really sucked was that Lois had been the one to practically force him into it, saying that he needed more team bonding time. ('Team bonding time,' right...) He hadn't even wanted to in the first place. ...Until he'd gotten drugged with magic.

Cloe was too busy quietly fighting it out with Oliver to spare him any sympathy.

Clark took a long cold shower before he went home. At least he'd gotten all of the chocolate sauce off by the third scrubbing.

"Hey, handsome," Lois said sleepily from the couch, waking up even though he'd tried to tiptoe in. "How was the pagan thing?"


Yeah. He was so dead.




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