Something from Nothing

Jun 11, 2010 16:12

I've been feeling really creative of late on a multitude of fronts (journaling obviously not being one of them since its been weeks since I wrote a proper blogowhatsits). I'm certain one factor is that my job, while still commanding part of my time and attention, isn't dominating those things right now like some sort of life-devouring harpy. It's a far cry from the last year, or the year before that, and so on and so forth. In point of fact, part of the creativity stream actually came from work, which is pretty awesome since I'm getting paid for it. There are also serious deadlines and looming expectations that are keeping my attentions from wandering, which doubles the awesome. Maybe even triples that shit.

Specific to the work creativity, I've been developing a video for the next operations all hands meeting in July. This isn't the first time I've done a work video, though it is the first time I've done it with a real budget and a real crew. I spent time last month writing the script which, as I've mentioned to many, is in the style of a '40s newsreel. As a creative writing project it was by far the easiest I've ever taken on in terms of inspiration. The material really did feel as if it was writing itself. Our VP gave me all kinds of props on the thing just from a read alone.

As interesting from a personal development perspective as writing the script was, having to edit it was maybe moreso. I ended up cutting and rewriting entire scenes based on feedback and the needs of the piece. Structure was important too, as it had to accomodate and recognize several very disparate teams.

This week we finished principle photography. As I mentioned, the crew was a professional one and the final piece will reflect that in the glory of full HD. I got to play with fun toys as well, including mobile tripods on tracks for the (duh) tracking shots, the big jib for fly-throughs, etc. The cast, all internal MS employees, were absolutely perfect for their parts and really brought a lot of life and energy. We collectively laughed a ton on the set. Next week I go in to a studio to record all the narration, after which will be sound design, editing and final pick up shots. Neat.

Additional on the creative front I've been inspired hugely by my friends Rich and Ashley, both rocking open mic comedy nights in the Bay Area. That's a thing I've been considering for quite literally years, writing down little bits of funny here and there in hopes of one day getting up the courage to try it in front of an audience. I know full well that friend funny and crowd funny are two different things, which is part of what's always frightened the pants off my bottom in thinking on it. At this point though I'd maybe like to know for sure by trying. The worst that happens is that I bomb and never do it again, right? Crud, there go my pants again. Maybe I'll just sit on the bench for a bit longer.

I'm also started jotting some ideas down for a few different game designs. As it turns out, I play games. As the worm turns further, I play a fucking shitload of games. All of that playing has lead me to realize that I have some ideas of things I'd like to play that maybe don't exist at the moment. The impetus for writing those ideas down came out of a conversation with a very bright and dear friend of mine who was visiting and, through the course of general conversation, suggested we might consider developing something together. Hmm. I think I would like that very much, yes please.

I've also been writing music again, something that stagnated the last bunch of months for reasons unknown.
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