Sep 17, 2004 21:20
Good evening everyone. Mal, I hope your having a kick ass birthday, and thank you so much for introducing me to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it was amazing. There is far more going on in that movie then I realized. Fabulouse. And Laura, thank you for the Rocket Summer cyber dance party, best thing ever.
I'm in the middle of my X-Men Movie extravagazna. It is such an amazing story line, and the social commentary it presents definatly set the bar for modern day fiction. I would just like to take a minute and talk about Rogue. A small town girl with the ability to take away peoples life force mearly by touching them. A slight graze of the thigh or brush of an eyelash, and her victums memories, personality and energy are transfered to her. And in the case of mutants, she takes their power for a short period of time as well. Her character really interests me because, the first time she realized her power, was when she experienced her first kiss. She kisses a long time friend of hers, and he ends up in a coma, crazy right. Every single person she comes in contact with, is changed forever.
Well, transfer the physcial aspect to a mental one. A simple kiss, but it doesnt even have to be that, knuckles passing by each other as you walk, you know, when your walking with someone, and you really want to hold their hand, so you lay your arm down, and let it seem that its swinging freely, when in actuality your attempting to get it as close to your companion as possible, while staying conspicues, and bam. You've suddenly taken their breath away, literarly. For if you do get to that holding hand stage, your heart is beating so fast you hope she can't see your chest going up and down. But usually, sometime after that inital holding of the hands, things change. Innocence is lost, and the courtship evolves, usally ending in some sort of pain. And while you usally end up learning about yourself, its still pain. But look at Rogue. Once she knows this information, she can no longer attempt to slid her fingers through anyone elses, or meet her sweaty palm to that of another. Banshed from this simple pleasure, yet free to not go though the pain and anquish of the human courtship ritual. or at least not the way most people practice it.
I can not decide if I feel for Rogue, or am enviouse of her. You figure, ignorance is bliss. If you don't know better, then you can't have regret, right? While she is forced into this ignorance, she still reeps the benefit of it. And while I have no mutant ability that keeps me barred from all human contact, its definatly an appealing notion, at least for a short period of time. I guess I am happy to learn from actions, and slowly pull myself out of the ignorance which was yesturday, yet I still find myself wondering, what if? If i didn't know any better, I wouldn't miss anything, and I'd be a super hero, huge pluses there obviously. In the end, I feel for Rogue, for to have emotion is better than to be numb. Lonliness with a purpose is far better than just lonliness. And to learn from your mistakes is education, which will hopefully lead to not making the smae mistakes twice, or at least prolonging the time it takes for you to make the same mistake. I quess, mutation or not, one kiss can be deadly. "It's astounding...time is fleeting...Madness takes its toll."