Thanks for the compliment. And a little secret. I don't layer mask. It's all erasing by hand because I never bothered to really figure out the masking. : P
It's not nearly as hard as you think, actually. I was stymied by the layer mask until _jems_ explained it very well, and basically it's just add the layer mask, use a brush in black, and erase away. What makes it better than the eraser is that if you make a big mistake, all you have to do is switch the brush to white and fix it, rather than go through massive undos.
usually on Overlay (I think) to get the color similar to the one in #5.
You know, just to try it out on a couple of icons :P
But seriously... these are fantastic, yet again. I'm too impatient to do that much layer masking, so I appreciate someone who will :)
Thanks for the compliment. And a little secret. I don't layer mask. It's all erasing by hand because I never bothered to really figure out the masking. : P
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