(no subject)

Jan 10, 2005 10:02

Hi guys! I spent my weekend in the "big" town of Stuttgart... again! It was fun tho! Friday I got up there at like 7... and we rode around for a while. Saturday morning Greg hadta go to Saturday school at 7:30 because he got caught with his cell phone... hmmm that's gay! ^_^ Saturday afternoon we slept until Snow, Tucker, Gustavo, and Cloud got there. We went riding and some how wound up at a fat, retarded woman's house, with her, her boyfriend, and her kid... it was mucho hilarious! On to Zach's uncle's, to Matt's, and then finally retired at Greg's house. I fixed cheesecake! ^_~  Then.... Sunday when we finally got out of bed we went out to eat at Lotus Blossum with Greg's dad! We rented movies and went to his house. Taking Lifes is a STRANGE movie to say the least... kept ya guessing tho. Put Greg and Mr. Bill to sleep ...lol. Later we played dominoes, and I whooped some BUTT! HEH! After I got to my actual house... I just chilled in my pjs til I talked to Greg. Ummm... I don't really have much else to say... Imma go eat some crackers! TTFN!
                     <3 MeG                *!*I¢¾GREG*!*
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